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Frequently Asked Questions

  • All classes will be majorly online.
  • Only the initial ‘get-to-know’ classes could be offline and there will be a periodic meeting with the faculty, generally every two months. Whenever feasible, this meeting would be in-person.
  • In the era of Google and Wikipedia, the role of a teacher has undergone a change. Students don’t necessarily need teachers to deliver content. Students primarily need teachers to inspire them, make them like their subjects and solve their doubts through hints and illustrations.
  • You can find more info on Flipclass Model here.
  • Flipclass only focuses on the learning aspect of every student.
  • It takes out all the irrelevant clutter of unproductive ‘copy-paste’ assignments.
  • It values investigative ‘question and answer’ sessions with a knowledgeable faculty.
  • We insist that you watch this video – ‘Blended Learning’.
  • It is a slow process and it’s success depends on the responsibility that the child takes.
  • Although the process itself encourages the child to own up his/her progress, this transformation is time dependent and needs some collective effort, especially participation by the parents.