

Mutant COVID-19s

Over the last couple of weeks, researches from US and UK have hundreds of mutant variations of COVID-19. But this is not necessarily a more dangerous situation. And, it is important to know that virus by nature will mutate. Whenever a virus infects a host, it makes new copies of itself, and it starts by …

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CSIR-NISCAIR Online Competitions on Coronavirus for Students

CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication & Information Resources (NISCAIR) New Delhi announces CSIR-NISCAIR online competitions 2020 for school students Theme : Coronavirus: An Invisible Enemy Groups Group I – Class V – VIII Group II – Class IX – XII Categories 1.”ART CARO NA” Cartoon/Drawing Competition Group I: Topic: Social Distancing & Hygiene to Prevent …

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Edotalk – Best Practices for Conducting Online Classes

The education landscape is undergoing a sea change due to the pandemic triggered by the novel coronavirus. Experts speculate that an entire academic year is in a huge uncertainty and unprepared for it. With such an unprecedented scenario, it becomes a matter of extreme urgency to prepare educational institutions and teachers to equip themselves on …

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